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1# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
4# wuttaweb -- Web App for Wutta Framework
5# Copyright © 2024 Lance Edgar
7# This file is part of Wutta Framework.
9# Wutta Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
11# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
12# later version.
14# Wutta Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
17# more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
20# Wutta Framework. If not, see <>.
24Views for people
27import sqlalchemy as sa
29from wuttjamaican.db.model import Person
30from wuttaweb.views import MasterView
31from wuttaweb.forms.schema import UserRefs
34class PersonView(MasterView):
35 """
36 Master view for people.
38 Default route prefix is ``people``.
40 Notable URLs provided by this class:
42 * ``/people/``
43 * ``/people/new``
44 * ``/people/XXX``
45 * ``/people/XXX/edit``
46 * ``/people/XXX/delete``
47 """
48 model_class = Person
49 model_title_plural = "People"
50 route_prefix = 'people'
51 sort_defaults = 'full_name'
52 has_autocomplete = True
54 grid_columns = [
55 'full_name',
56 'first_name',
57 'middle_name',
58 'last_name',
59 ]
61 filter_defaults = {
62 'full_name': {'active': True},
63 }
65 def configure_grid(self, g):
66 """ """
67 super().configure_grid(g)
69 # full_name
70 g.set_link('full_name')
72 # first_name
73 g.set_link('first_name')
75 # last_name
76 g.set_link('last_name')
78 def configure_form(self, f):
79 """ """
80 super().configure_form(f)
81 person = f.model_instance
83 # TODO: master should handle these? (nullable column)
84 f.set_required('first_name', False)
85 f.set_required('middle_name', False)
86 f.set_required('last_name', False)
88 # users
89 # nb. colanderalchemy wants to do some magic for the true
90 # 'users' relationship, so we use a different field name
91 f.remove('users')
92 if not (self.creating or self.editing):
93 f.append('_users')
94 f.set_readonly('_users')
95 f.set_node('_users', UserRefs(self.request))
96 f.set_default('_users', [u.uuid for u in person.users])
98 def autocomplete_query(self, term):
99 """ """
100 model =
101 session = self.Session()
102 query = session.query(model.Person)
103 criteria = [model.Person.full_name.ilike(f'%{word}%')
104 for word in term.split()]
105 query = query.filter(sa.and_(*criteria))\
106 .order_by(model.Person.full_name)
107 return query
109 def view_profile(self, session=None):
110 """ """
111 person = self.get_instance(session=session)
112 context = {
113 'person': person,
114 'instance': person,
115 }
116 return self.render_to_response('view_profile', context)
118 def make_user(self):
119 """ """
120 self.request.session.flash("TODO: this feature is not yet supported", 'error')
121 return self.redirect(self.request.get_referrer())
123 @classmethod
124 def defaults(cls, config):
125 """ """
127 # nb. Person may come from custom model
128 wutta_config = config.registry.settings['wutta_config']
129 app = wutta_config.get_app()
130 cls.model_class = app.model.Person
132 cls._defaults(config)
133 cls._people_defaults(config)
135 @classmethod
136 def _people_defaults(cls, config):
137 route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix()
138 url_prefix = cls.get_url_prefix()
139 instance_url_prefix = cls.get_instance_url_prefix()
140 permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix()
142 # view profile
143 config.add_route(f'{route_prefix}.view_profile',
144 f'{instance_url_prefix}/profile',
145 request_method='GET')
146 config.add_view(cls, attr='view_profile',
147 route_name=f'{route_prefix}.view_profile',
148 permission=f'{permission_prefix}.view_profile')
150 # make user for person
151 config.add_route(f'{route_prefix}.make_user',
152 f'{url_prefix}/make-user',
153 request_method='POST')
154 config.add_view(cls, attr='make_user',
155 route_name=f'{route_prefix}.make_user',
156 permission='users.create')
159def defaults(config, **kwargs):
160 base = globals()
162 PersonView = kwargs.get('PersonView', base['PersonView'])
163 PersonView.defaults(config)
166def includeme(config):
167 defaults(config)